School Principal Message

The Vidyalaya is marching towards Accreditation with the following objectives :
1) To ensure that every student acquires an understanding of the concepts, skills and knowledge during classroom transactions.
2) To provide safe, supportive and innovative learning environment to emerge as wholesome personlaties.
3) To nurture staff development and instructional leadership.
4) To involve parents and community in the students' learning.
5) To monitor performance and achievement with established tools of assessment in scholastic and co-scholastic areas.

In this endeavour it is important for you to have a firm mind and foresight that will help you in framing the habit of doing work in a planned way and studying
regularly. You should note down, after every period, the instructions which your teachers give regarding the home task of reading or writing.
Also please fix your hours for home study in consultation with your teachers and parents. Read the home work questions and instructions carefully before
you start your work at home and do it before studying any other thing. After finishing your home task, revise the day's lessons and learn what is to be learnt therein.
This habit will be useful to you and pays you in the long run.